Offshore & ENG1 Seafarer (MCA) Medicals

An Offshore medical is normally valid for two years and should only be carried out by or under the supervision of examining physicians who are approved by Oil & Gas UK. A list of approved physicians is available at Oil & Gas Registered Doctors. The guidelines are with specific reference to the UK offshore industry but are often used as the basis for assessments in other geographical locations.

Currently an offshore medical certificate can be used by those involved in the construction and maintenance of wind farms in a maritime environment. The Renewable UK standard medical examination specific for wind farm workers can also be provided.

SWIMS can offer medicals for Oil & Gas UK (formally UKOOA) for working in the UK or the Norwegian sectors. The Oil & Gas UK medical standards are internationally accepted although some companies may have additional requirements.

If you have a medical problem it is best to talk to us at SWIMS before booking your medical.

Your first medical includes a hearing test (audiometry), lung function test (spirometry), urine test, blood pressure test, weight and body mass index, dental check and full clinical examination. Confirmation of dental fitness is an important part of the medical assessment. Contact us for more information or to book an appointment.

ENG1 Medicals for Maritime & Coastguard Agency

Since September 2019 we have been able at our West Midllands’ office to conduct the above.

Please contact the West Midlands, office by e-mail or ideally telephone to arrange a suitable appointment.

The following information is required at the time of the medical examination: –

Photographic identity

Last ENG1 medical certificate

Spectacles and or contact lenses & spare specs

Any recent letters or hospital discharge papers treatment last 12 months

Sight test results if recently seen optician

Name & address of GP